How to set up static websites with Github Pages

2 minute read

I was considering creating a profile page or a blog for myself for a while. However, I was puting this idea off basically because creating content for your projects is not the easiest task and having to set up a website makes you procrastinate even more. Not any more!

It took me a couple of minutes to set up a profile with GitHub Pages. You can have your website freely hosted on GitHub’s domain or on your custom domain.

GitHub Pages is a static site hosting service that takes HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files straight from a repository on GitHub, optionally runs the files through a build process, and publishes a website.

I started looking for a minimalist theme ideas for my profile page and came across this open source theme by DataOptimal which was built on top of the Minimal Mistakes. In the following are the steps that I followed to deploy a version of it myself.

  • Navigate to repository here and fork this repo.


  • Go to your repositories, the repo you just forked must have been added on your GitHub profile. You now have your own copy of the repository and can customize the files.

  • It’s time to change the repo name. Go to Settings in your repo and edit repository name as seen below. The repo name should follow the convension and it should be your GitHub handle followed by Mine is


  • If you rename your repo correctly, go check your website. It should be up and running shortly on

  • Now you can customize your website and publish content in Markdown format. Go ahead and clone this repository on your machine.

  • Go into the folder and open _config.yml file in your favorite editor. Now replace the author attributes with yours.
    • Replace the names and the images.
    • Add your social media accounts.
  • You can also change the skin of the website by updating minimal_mistakes_skin on top of the config file. Mine is dirt.
  • Integrate Analytics
    One of my favorite things about Minimal Mistake theme is that the setup for the analytics is already in place. In _includes/analytics-providers folder, there are couple of base html pages with tracking code. All you have to do is to add your Tracking ID in to the _config.yml file. For example, if you are using Google Analytics, you can set values as seen below. If you don’t have a tracking ID, go to Google Analytics dashboard to start analytics service and get your tracking ID.
    provider               : "google-universal" 
      tracking_id          : "XX-XXXXXXXXX-X"
  • To create a post, navigate to the _post folder and create a Markdown file following the naming convention YYYY-MM-DD-<URL-PATH>.md.
  • Your changes will be deployed once you push your changes. Now, push your changes to master branch and go check your website. It might take a minute to deploy, then try hard refreshing (cmd + shift + R) to see your changes.

This is all. I hope this was helpful.