Useful Data Science Resources for Beginners
There are a lot of public resources about Data Science out there. I, for one, appreciate some of the resources so much that I’d like to share them.
1. Micro-Courses by Kaggle (Free)
Kaggle offers hands-on tutorials about machine learning algorithms, visualization and databases. The best thing about these micro-courses is that you start building something immediately. They also explain how you can enter Kaggle competitions with your model.
2. Deep Learning Specialization by Coursera (Free)
This specialization which you can audit for free is offered by legendary Andrew Ng. It introduces Deep Learning and Neural Networks. I was able to pass my Deep Learning exam thanks to this specialization. No kidding.
3. Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp by Udemy (Not Free)
This hands-on course covers basic Data Science and Machine Learning algorithms. The course content introdues Python data science packages and the most common machine learning algorithms. Especially, the visualization chapters are quite useful. I was able to easily apply the visualization techniques in my master’s thesis.